Welcome 2022

Happy New Year and warmest greetings.
As we move into the new year, we also look back and take inventory of our achievements and challenges from 2021. New year, new mandates, new goals, this is the time when we assess wins, realign strategies and priorities, and make a list of what we can bring into the year ahead.
With the new management, SPNB is set to continuously pick up the pace and forge ahead while holding on to our roots of establishment in delivering affordable and liveable homes to Keluarga Malaysia. The year 2021 saw several reforms and revamps in the organisation. The rebranding exercise has brought SPNB to resurface with a fresh new look and clearer objectives. We are making progress in solving issues while steadily completing and reviving projects. In 2021 itself, we were building 6,159 units of Rumah Mesra Rakyat (RMR) and managed to complete 5 projects that we carried from previous years delivering 1,400 homes (Kediaman SPNB) to families across Malaysia from Gurun, Kedah all the way to Kunak, Sabah.
Moving forward in the first quarter of 2022, SPNB targets to launch 3 new exciting projects involving 2,023 units of home under our brand Kediaman SPNB. Also, as per the recent budget announcement made by YB Minister of Finance, SPNB will continue to deliver additional 3,000 unit of Rumah Mesra Rakyat (RMR) to qualified recipients.
I must say that our achievements thus far are made possible by the continuous efforts from the staffs as well as unwavering supports from our stakeholders; Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) and Ministry of Finance (MOF). To start the year, let’s close the gap and work together to achieve common goals and overcome all challenges that may come our way during this challenging time.
Together we will deliver liveable homes to Keluarga Malaysia. Thank you.
Chief Executive Officer
Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad