SPNB Serves the Underprivileged in Kuala Lumpur
Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB) has organized a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program through the distribution of 500 food packs to the underprivileged at Medan Tuanku Homeless Center, Kuala Lumpur, today.
The program, which was also made successful by SPNB employees, among other things, aims to inculcate the nature of caring and love, as well as pampering the group in ensuring that nutritious food supplies are accessible to them.
This CSR program of food distribution to Medan Tuanku Homeless Center Community is the result of a strategic collaboration between SPNB and PERTIWI Soup Kitchen.
SPNB also hopes that this kind of program will continue from time to time to ensure that the less able are not marginalized and that they are always taken care of.