The Ministry of Local Government and Housing (KPKT), as the organizer of the National Level World Habitat Day Celebration, held a Photojournalism Competition and the National Scroll of Honour Award for Human Settlements 2023.
Press Conference by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Local Government and Housing Development (KPKT), YB Tuan Haji Akmal Nasrullah Bin Mohd Nasir, on the achievements of the Distressed and Abandoned Private Housing Projects Task Force for the period from January to June 2023, held on August 3, 2023, at the SPNB Headquarters.
Work Visit of Deputy Minister of KPKT to the Project Site of Kediaman SPNB, Taman Universiti Jaya (Phase 2B) - Package 2 in Kuala Muda, Kedah Darul Aman on 23 Julai 2023.
The SISSPA KPKT has been fully operational since 19th June 2023, replacing the previously used Integrated Complaint System (SAB). As a result, the submission of complaints/queries in the SAB will not be activated. However, complainants can still check the status of existing complaints through the Check Complaint Status module.